swagger: '2.0' info: title: API Service Activation and Configuration description: |- ## TMF API Reference: TMF640 - Service Activation and Configuration Version 4.0 Service Activation and Configuration API goal is to provide the ability to activate and configure Service. This API features Monitor pattern allowing to manage service configuration/activation asynchronous request (server side will provide monitor as POST/PATCH response) ### TMF640 performs the following Operations on service resource : - Retrieve a service or a collection of services depending on filter criteria - Partial update of an service - Create a service (including default values and creation rules) - Delete a service (for administration purposes) - Manage notification of events ### Monitor Resource Monitor resource is used to track and log activation and/or configuration request ### TMF640 provides following operation on Monitor resource: - Retrieval of a monitor or a collection of monitor Copyright © TM Forum 2019; All Rights Reserved version: 4.0.0 host: api.mtn.com basePath: /tmf-api/serviceactivation/v1 schemes: - http consumes: - application/json;charset=utf-8 produces: - application/json;charset=utf-8 tags: - name: service - name: monitor - name: notification listeners (client side) - name: events subscription paths: /service: get: operationId: listService summary: List or find Service objects description: This operation list or find Service entities tags: - service parameters: - name: fields description: Comma-separated properties to be provided in response required: false in: query type: string - name: offset description: Requested index for start of resources to be provided in response required: false in: query type: integer - name: limit description: Requested number of resources to be provided in response required: false in: query type: integer responses: '200': description: Success headers: X-Result-Count: description: Actual number of items returned in the response body type: integer X-Total-Count: description: Total number of items matching criteria type: integer schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Service' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' post: operationId: createService summary: Creates a Service description: This operation creates a Service entity. tags: - service parameters: - name: service description: The Service to be created required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Service_Create' in: body responses: '201': description: Created schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Service' '202': description: Accepted '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /service/{id}: get: operationId: retrieveService summary: Retrieves a Service by ID description: This operation retrieves a Service entity. Attribute selection is enabled for all first level attributes. tags: - service parameters: - name: id description: Identifier of the Service required: true type: string in: path - name: fields description: Comma-separated properties to provide in response required: false type: string in: query responses: '200': description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Service' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' patch: operationId: patchService summary: Updates partially a Service description: This operation updates partially a Service entity. tags: - service parameters: - name: id description: Identifier of the Service required: true type: string in: path - name: actionType description: Identifier of the Service required: false type: string enum: - softSuspend - revokeSoftSuspend in: query - name: service description: The Service to be updated required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Service_Update' in: body responses: '200': description: Updated schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Service' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' delete: operationId: deleteService summary: Deletes a Service description: This operation deletes a Service entity. tags: - service parameters: - name: id description: Identifier of the Service required: true type: string in: path responses: '204': description: Deleted '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /monitor: get: operationId: listMonitor summary: List or find Monitor objects description: This operation list or find Monitor entities tags: - monitor parameters: - name: fields description: Comma-separated properties to be provided in response required: false in: query type: string - name: offset description: Requested index for start of resources to be provided in response required: false in: query type: integer - name: limit description: Requested number of resources to be provided in response required: false in: query type: integer responses: '200': description: Success headers: X-Result-Count: description: Actual number of items returned in the response body type: integer X-Total-Count: description: Total number of items matching criteria type: integer schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Monitor' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /monitor/{id}: get: operationId: retrieveMonitor summary: Retrieves a Monitor by ID description: This operation retrieves a Monitor entity. Attribute selection is enabled for all first level attributes. tags: - monitor parameters: - name: id description: Identifier of the Monitor required: true type: string in: path - name: fields description: Comma-separated properties to provide in response required: false type: string in: query responses: '200': description: Success schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Monitor' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /hub: post: operationId: registerListener summary: Register a listener description: Sets the communication endpoint address the service instance must use to deliver information about its health state, execution state, failures and metrics. tags: - events subscription parameters: - name: data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscriptionInput' required: true in: body description: Data containing the callback endpoint to deliver the information responses: '201': description: Subscribed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /hub/{id}: delete: operationId: unregisterListener summary: Unregister a listener description: Resets the communication endpoint address the service instance must use to deliver information about its health state, execution state, failures and metrics. tags: - events subscription parameters: - name: id type: string required: true in: path description: The id of the registered listener responses: '204': description: Deleted '400': description: Bad request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/serviceCreateEvent: post: operationId: listenToServiceCreateEvent summary: Client listener for entity ServiceCreateEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceCreateEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceCreateEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/serviceAttributeValueChangeEvent: post: operationId: listenToServiceAttributeValueChangeEvent summary: Client listener for entity ServiceAttributeValueChangeEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceAttributeValueChangeEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceAttributeValueChangeEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/serviceStateChangeEvent: post: operationId: listenToServiceStateChangeEvent summary: Client listener for entity ServiceStateChangeEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceStateChangeEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceStateChangeEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/serviceDeleteEvent: post: operationId: listenToServiceDeleteEvent summary: Client listener for entity ServiceDeleteEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification ServiceDeleteEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceDeleteEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/monitorCreateEvent: post: operationId: listenToMonitorCreateEvent summary: Client listener for entity MonitorCreateEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification MonitorCreateEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorCreateEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/monitorAttributeValueChangeEvent: post: operationId: listenToMonitorAttributeValueChangeEvent summary: Client listener for entity MonitorAttributeValueChangeEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification MonitorAttributeValueChangeEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorAttributeValueChangeEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/monitorStateChangeEvent: post: operationId: listenToMonitorStateChangeEvent summary: Client listener for entity MonitorStateChangeEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification MonitorStateChangeEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorStateChangeEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' /listener/monitorDeleteEvent: post: operationId: listenToMonitorDeleteEvent summary: Client listener for entity MonitorDeleteEvent description: Example of a client listener for receiving the notification MonitorDeleteEvent tags: - notification listeners (client side) parameters: - name: data required: true in: body description: The event data schema: $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorDeleteEvent' responses: '201': description: Notified schema: $ref: '#/definitions/EventSubscription' '400': description: Bad Request schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '401': description: Unauthorized schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '403': description: Forbidden schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '404': description: Not Found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '405': description: Method Not allowed schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '409': description: Conflict schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' '500': description: Internal Server Error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Error' definitions: Addressable: type: object description: Base schema for adressable entities properties: id: type: string description: unique identifier href: type: string format: uri description: Hyperlink reference '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name Any: {} Characteristic: type: object description: Describes a given characteristic of an object or entity through a name/value pair. required: - name - value properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the characteristic name: type: string description: Name of the characteristic valueType: type: string description: Data type of the value of the characteristic characteristicRelationship: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/CharacteristicRelationship' value: $ref: '#/definitions/Any' description: The value of the characteristic '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name CharacteristicRelationship: type: object description: Another Characteristic that is related to the current Characteristic; properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the characteristic relationshipType: type: string description: The type of relationship '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name ConstraintRef: type: object description: Constraint reference. The Constraint resource represents a policy/rule applied to an entity or entity spec. properties: id: type: string description: reference id to the target constraint href: type: string description: Hyperlink reference to the target constraint name: type: string description: Name given to the constraint version: type: string description: constraint version '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name '@referredType': type: string description: The (class) type of the referred constraint required: - id EntityRef: type: object description: Entity reference schema to be use for all entityRef class. properties: id: type: string description: unique identifier href: type: string format: uri description: Hyperlink reference name: type: string description: Name of the related entity. '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. required: - id EntityValue: type: object description: Base entity value schema for use in TMForum Open-APIs properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of a related entity. href: type: string description: Reference of the related entity. '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name Extensible: type: object description: Base Extensible schema for use in TMForum Open-APIs properties: '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name Feature: type: object description: Configuration feature. required: - featureCharacteristic - name properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the feature. isBundle: type: boolean description: True if this is a feature group. Default is false. isEnabled: type: boolean description: True if this feature is enabled. Default is true. name: type: string description: This is the name for the feature. constraint: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ConstraintRef' description: This is a list of feature constraints. featureCharacteristic: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Characteristic' minItems: 1 description: This is a list of Characteristics for a particular feature. featureRelationship: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/FeatureRelationship' '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name FeatureRelationship: type: object description: Configuration feature required: - name - relationshipType properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the target feature. name: type: string description: This is the name of the target feature. relationshipType: type: string description: This is the type of the feature relationship. validFor: $ref: '#/definitions/TimePeriod' description: The period for which this feature relationship is valid. '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name HeaderItem: type: object description: An item typically included in a request or response required: - name - value properties: name: type: string description: The name of the header item, e.g. locale value: type: string description: The value of the header item, e.g. en-us '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name Monitor: type: object description: Monitoring of resources properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of an instance of the monitor. Required to be unique within the resource type. Used in URIs as the identifier for specific instances of a type href: type: string description: reference to this monitor sourceHref: type: string description: The monitored resource href state: type: string description: The Monitor state of the resource. InProgress, InError, Completed request: $ref: '#/definitions/Request' description: Represents the request response: $ref: '#/definitions/Response' description: Represents the response '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name Note: type: object description: Extra information about a given entity properties: id: type: string description: Identifier of the note within its containing entity (may or may not be globally unique, depending on provider implementation) author: type: string description: Author of the note date: type: string format: date-time description: Date of the note text: type: string description: Text of the note '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name OrderItemActionType: type: string description: action to be performed on the product enum: - add - modify - delete - noChange Place: type: object description: Place reference. Place defines the places where the products are sold or delivered. properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the place href: type: string description: Unique reference of the place name: type: string description: A user-friendly name for the place, such as [Paris Store], [London Store], [Main Home] '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name PlaceRef: type: object description: Place reference. PlaceRef defines the placeRefs where the products are sold or delivered. properties: id: type: string description: unique identifier href: type: string format: uri description: Hyperlink reference name: type: string description: Name of the related entity. '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. required: - id RelatedEntityRefOrValue: type: object description: A reference to an entity, where the type of the entity is not known in advance. A related entity defines a entity described by reference or by value linked to a specific entity. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the Entity and not the RelatedEntityRefOrValue class itself required: - role properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of a related entity. href: type: string description: Reference of the related entity. name: type: string description: Name of the related entity. role: type: string '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. RelatedParty: type: object description: Related Entity reference. A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity. required: - '@referredType' - id properties: id: type: string description: unique identifier href: type: string format: uri description: Hyperlink reference name: type: string description: Name of the related entity. role: type: string description: Role played by the related party '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. RelatedPlaceRefOrValue: type: object description: Related Entity reference. A related place defines a place described by reference or by value linked to a specific entity. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the place entity and not the RelatedPlaceRefOrValue class itself required: - role properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the place href: type: string description: Unique reference of the place name: type: string description: A user-friendly name for the place, such as [Paris Store], [London Store], [Main Home] role: type: string '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. RelatedServiceOrderItem: type: object description: RelatedServiceOrderItem (a ServiceOrder item) .The service order item which triggered service creation/change/termination. required: - itemId - serviceOrderId properties: itemId: type: string description: Identifier of the order item where the service was managed role: type: string description: role of the service order item for this service serviceOrderHref: type: string description: Reference of the related entity. serviceOrderId: type: string description: Unique identifier of a related entity. itemAction: $ref: '#/definitions/OrderItemActionType' description: Action of the order item for this service '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. Request: type: object description: A response to a request required: - body - header properties: body: type: string description: The body of the request. For example for an HTTP request might contain content of a form . method: type: string description: The protocol of the request, e.g. http to: type: string description: The target of the request, e.g. a URL for an HTTP request header: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/HeaderItem' minItems: 1 description: Items included in the header of the request. For example for an HTTP request might contain requested locale, basic authentication. '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name ResourceRef: type: object properties: id: type: string description: unique identifier href: type: string format: uri description: Hyperlink reference name: type: string description: Name of the related entity. '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. required: - id Response: type: object description: A response to a request required: - body - header properties: body: type: string description: The body of the response. For example for an HTTP response might contain HTML for rendering. statusCode: type: string description: The status of the response. For example for an HTTP response would be codes such as 200, 400, etc. header: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/HeaderItem' minItems: 1 description: Items included in the header of the response. For example for an HTTP response might contain negotiated locale. '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name Service: type: object description: 'Service is a base class for defining the Service hierarchy. All Services are characterized as either being possibly visible and usable by a Customer or not. This gives rise to the two subclasses of Service: CustomerFacingService and ResourceFacingService.' properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the service href: type: string description: Reference of the service category: type: string description: Is it a customer facing or resource facing service description: type: string description: Free-text description of the service endDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service ends hasStarted: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service has already been started isBundle: type: boolean description: If true, the service is a ServiceBundle which regroup a service hierachy. If false, the service is a 'atomic' service (hierachy leaf). isServiceEnabled: type: boolean description: 'If FALSE and hasStarted is FALSE, this particular Service has NOT been enabled for use - if FALSE and hasStarted is TRUE then the service has failed ' isStateful: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service can be changed without affecting any other services name: type: string description: Name of the service serviceDate: type: string description: Date when the service was created (whatever its status). serviceType: type: string description: Business type of the service startDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service starts startMode: type: string description: 'This attribute is an enumerated integer that indicates how the Service is started, such as: 0: Unknown; 1: Automatically by the managed environment; 2: Automatically by the owning device; 3: Manually by the Provider of the Service; 4: Manually by a Customer of the Provider; 5: Any of the above' feature: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Feature' description: 'A list of feature associated with this service ' note: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Note' description: A list of notes made on this service place: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedPlaceRefOrValue' description: A list of places (Place [*]). Used to define a place useful for the service (for example a geographical place whre the service is installed) relatedEntity: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedEntityRefOrValue' description: 'A list of related entity in relationship with this service ' relatedParty: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedParty' description: A list of related party references (RelatedParty [*]). A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity serviceCharacteristic: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Characteristic' description: 'A list of characteristics that characterize this service (ServiceCharacteristic [*]) ' serviceOrderItem: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedServiceOrderItem' description: A list of service order items related to this service serviceRelationship: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRelationship' description: A list of service relationships (ServiceRelationship [*]). Describes links with other service(s) in the inventory (useful for describing relies-on, relies-from between CFS for example). serviceSpecification: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceSpecificationRef' description: The specification from which this service was instantiated state: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceStateType' description: The life cycle state of the service, such as designed, reserved, active, etc... supportingResource: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceRef' description: 'A list of supporting resources (SupportingResource [*]).Note: only Service of type RFS can be associated with Resources' supportingService: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRefOrValue' description: A list of supporting services (SupportingService [*]). A collection of services that support this service (bundling, link CFS to RFS) '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name Service_Create: type: object description: |- Service is a base class for defining the Service hierarchy. All Services are characterized as either being possibly visible and usable by a Customer or not. This gives rise to the two subclasses of Service: CustomerFacingService and ResourceFacingService. Skipped properties: id,href required: - state - serviceSpecification properties: category: type: string description: Is it a customer facing or resource facing service description: type: string description: Free-text description of the service endDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service ends hasStarted: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service has already been started isBundle: type: boolean description: If true, the service is a ServiceBundle which regroup a service hierachy. If false, the service is a 'atomic' service (hierachy leaf). isServiceEnabled: type: boolean description: 'If FALSE and hasStarted is FALSE, this particular Service has NOT been enabled for use - if FALSE and hasStarted is TRUE then the service has failed ' isStateful: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service can be changed without affecting any other services name: type: string description: Name of the service serviceDate: type: string description: Date when the service was created (whatever its status). serviceType: type: string description: Business type of the service startDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service starts startMode: type: string description: 'This attribute is an enumerated integer that indicates how the Service is started, such as: 0: Unknown; 1: Automatically by the managed environment; 2: Automatically by the owning device; 3: Manually by the Provider of the Service; 4: Manually by a Customer of the Provider; 5: Any of the above' feature: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Feature' description: 'A list of feature associated with this service ' note: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Note' description: A list of notes made on this service place: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedPlaceRefOrValue' description: A list of places (Place [*]). Used to define a place useful for the service (for example a geographical place whre the service is installed) relatedEntity: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedEntityRefOrValue' description: 'A list of related entity in relationship with this service ' relatedParty: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedParty' description: A list of related party references (RelatedParty [*]). A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity serviceCharacteristic: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Characteristic' description: 'A list of characteristics that characterize this service (ServiceCharacteristic [*]) ' serviceOrderItem: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedServiceOrderItem' description: A list of service order items related to this service serviceRelationship: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRelationship' description: A list of service relationships (ServiceRelationship [*]). Describes links with other service(s) in the inventory (useful for describing relies-on, relies-from between CFS for example). serviceSpecification: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceSpecificationRef' description: The specification from which this service was instantiated state: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceStateType' description: The life cycle state of the service, such as designed, reserved, active, etc... supportingResource: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceRef' description: 'A list of supporting resources (SupportingResource [*]).Note: only Service of type RFS can be associated with Resources' supportingService: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRefOrValue' description: A list of supporting services (SupportingService [*]). A collection of services that support this service (bundling, link CFS to RFS) '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name Service_Update: type: object description: |- Service is a base class for defining the Service hierarchy. All Services are characterized as either being possibly visible and usable by a Customer or not. This gives rise to the two subclasses of Service: CustomerFacingService and ResourceFacingService. Skipped properties: id,href properties: category: type: string description: Is it a customer facing or resource facing service description: type: string description: Free-text description of the service endDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service ends hasStarted: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service has already been started isBundle: type: boolean description: If true, the service is a ServiceBundle which regroup a service hierachy. If false, the service is a 'atomic' service (hierachy leaf). isServiceEnabled: type: boolean description: 'If FALSE and hasStarted is FALSE, this particular Service has NOT been enabled for use - if FALSE and hasStarted is TRUE then the service has failed ' isStateful: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service can be changed without affecting any other services name: type: string description: Name of the service serviceType: type: string description: Business type of the service startDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service starts startMode: type: string description: 'This attribute is an enumerated integer that indicates how the Service is started, such as: 0: Unknown; 1: Automatically by the managed environment; 2: Automatically by the owning device; 3: Manually by the Provider of the Service; 4: Manually by a Customer of the Provider; 5: Any of the above' feature: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Feature' description: 'A list of feature associated with this service ' note: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Note' description: A list of notes made on this service place: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedPlaceRefOrValue' description: A list of places (Place [*]). Used to define a place useful for the service (for example a geographical place whre the service is installed) relatedEntity: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedEntityRefOrValue' description: 'A list of related entity in relationship with this service ' relatedParty: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedParty' description: A list of related party references (RelatedParty [*]). A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity serviceCharacteristic: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Characteristic' description: 'A list of characteristics that characterize this service (ServiceCharacteristic [*]) ' serviceOrderItem: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedServiceOrderItem' description: A list of service order items related to this service serviceRelationship: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRelationship' description: A list of service relationships (ServiceRelationship [*]). Describes links with other service(s) in the inventory (useful for describing relies-on, relies-from between CFS for example). serviceSpecification: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceSpecificationRef' description: The specification from which this service was instantiated state: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceStateType' description: The life cycle state of the service, such as designed, reserved, active, etc... supportingResource: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceRef' description: 'A list of supporting resources (SupportingResource [*]).Note: only Service of type RFS can be associated with Resources' supportingService: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRefOrValue' description: A list of supporting services (SupportingService [*]). A collection of services that support this service (bundling, link CFS to RFS) '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name ServiceRef: type: object description: Service reference, for when Service is used by other entities properties: id: type: string description: unique identifier href: type: string format: uri description: Hyperlink reference name: type: string description: Name of the related entity. '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. required: - id ServiceRefOrValue: type: object description: A Service to be created defined by value or existing defined by reference. The polymorphic attributes @type, @schemaLocation & @referredType are related to the Service entity and not the RelatedServiceRefOrValue class itself properties: id: type: string description: Unique identifier of the service href: type: string description: Reference of the service category: type: string description: Is it a customer facing or resource facing service description: type: string description: Free-text description of the service endDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service ends hasStarted: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service has already been started isBundle: type: boolean description: If true, the service is a ServiceBundle which regroup a service hierachy. If false, the service is a 'atomic' service (hierachy leaf). isServiceEnabled: type: boolean description: 'If FALSE and hasStarted is FALSE, this particular Service has NOT been enabled for use - if FALSE and hasStarted is TRUE then the service has failed ' isStateful: type: boolean description: If TRUE, this Service can be changed without affecting any other services name: type: string description: Name of the service serviceDate: type: string description: Date when the service was created (whatever its status). serviceType: type: string description: Business type of the service startDate: type: string format: date-time description: Date when the service starts startMode: type: string description: 'This attribute is an enumerated integer that indicates how the Service is started, such as: 0: Unknown; 1: Automatically by the managed environment; 2: Automatically by the owning device; 3: Manually by the Provider of the Service; 4: Manually by a Customer of the Provider; 5: Any of the above' feature: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Feature' description: 'A list of feature associated with this service ' note: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Note' description: A list of notes made on this service place: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedPlaceRefOrValue' description: A list of places (Place [*]). Used to define a place useful for the service (for example a geographical place whre the service is installed) relatedEntity: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedEntityRefOrValue' description: 'A list of related entity in relationship with this service ' relatedParty: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedParty' description: A list of related party references (RelatedParty [*]). A related party defines party or party role linked to a specific entity serviceCharacteristic: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Characteristic' description: 'A list of characteristics that characterize this service (ServiceCharacteristic [*]) ' serviceOrderItem: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/RelatedServiceOrderItem' description: A list of service order items related to this service serviceRelationship: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRelationship' description: A list of service relationships (ServiceRelationship [*]). Describes links with other service(s) in the inventory (useful for describing relies-on, relies-from between CFS for example). serviceSpecification: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceSpecificationRef' description: The specification from which this service was instantiated state: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceStateType' description: The life cycle state of the service, such as designed, reserved, active, etc... supportingResource: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ResourceRef' description: 'A list of supporting resources (SupportingResource [*]).Note: only Service of type RFS can be associated with Resources' supportingService: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRefOrValue' description: A list of supporting services (SupportingService [*]). A collection of services that support this service (bundling, link CFS to RFS) '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. ServiceRelationship: type: object required: - relationshipType properties: relationshipType: type: string ServiceRelationshipCharacteristic: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Characteristic' service: $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceRefOrValue' '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name ServiceSpecificationRef: type: object description: 'Service specification reference: ServiceSpecification(s) required to realize a ProductSpecification.' properties: id: type: string description: unique identifier href: type: string format: uri description: Hyperlink reference name: type: string description: Name of the related entity. version: type: string description: Service specification version '@baseType': example: ResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': example: https://mycsp.com:8080/tmf-api/schema/Resource/LogicalResourceSpecification.schema.json type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': example: LogicalResourceSpecification type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class Extensible name '@referredType': type: string description: The actual type of the target instance when needed for disambiguation. required: - id ServiceStateType: type: string description: Valid values for the lifecycle state of the service enum: - feasibilityChecked - designed - reserved - inactive - active - terminated TimePeriod: type: object description: A period of time, either as a deadline (endDateTime only) a startDateTime only, or both properties: endDateTime: example: '1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z' type: string format: date-time description: End of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format startDateTime: example: '1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z' type: string format: date-time description: Start of the time period, using IETC-RFC-3339 format. If you define a start, you must also define an end '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name EventSubscription: type: object description: Sets the communication endpoint address the service instance must use to deliver notification information required: - id - callback properties: id: type: string description: Id of the listener callback: type: string description: The callback being registered. query: type: string description: additional data to be passed EventSubscriptionInput: type: object description: Sets the communication endpoint address the service instance must use to deliver notification information required: - callback properties: callback: type: string description: The callback being registered. query: type: string description: additional data to be passed ServiceCreateEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceCreateEventPayload' eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. ServiceCreateEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: service: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Service' ServiceAttributeValueChangeEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. fieldPath: type: string description: The path identifying the object field concerned by this notification. event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceAttributeValueChangeEventPayload' ServiceAttributeValueChangeEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: service: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Service' ServiceStateChangeEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceStateChangeEventPayload' eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. ServiceStateChangeEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: service: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Service' ServiceDeleteEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/ServiceDeleteEventPayload' eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. ServiceDeleteEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: service: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Service' MonitorCreateEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorCreateEventPayload' eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. MonitorCreateEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: monitor: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Monitor' MonitorAttributeValueChangeEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. fieldPath: type: string description: The path identifying the object field concerned by this notification. event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorAttributeValueChangeEventPayload' MonitorAttributeValueChangeEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: monitor: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Monitor' MonitorStateChangeEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorStateChangeEventPayload' eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. MonitorStateChangeEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: monitor: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Monitor' MonitorDeleteEvent: type: object description: The notification data structure properties: event: description: The event payload linked to the involved resource object $ref: '#/definitions/MonitorDeleteEventPayload' eventId: type: string description: The identifier of the notification. eventTime: type: string format: date-time description: Time of the event occurrence. eventType: type: string description: The type of the notification. correlationId: type: string description: The correlation id for this event. domain: type: string description: The domain of the event. title: type: string description: The title of the event. description: type: string description: An explnatory of the event. priority: type: string description: A priority. timeOcurred: type: string format: date-time description: The time the event occured. MonitorDeleteEventPayload: type: object description: The event data structure properties: monitor: description: The involved resource data for the event $ref: '#/definitions/Monitor' Error: description: Used when an API throws an Error, typically with a HTTP error response-code (3xx, 4xx, 5xx) type: object required: - code - reason properties: code: type: string description: Application relevant detail, defined in the API or a common list. reason: type: string description: Explanation of the reason for the error which can be shown to a client user. message: type: string description: More details and corrective actions related to the error which can be shown to a client user. status: type: string description: HTTP Error code extension referenceError: type: string format: uri description: URI of documentation describing the error. '@baseType': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the super-class. '@schemaLocation': type: string format: uri description: A URI to a JSON-Schema file that defines additional attributes and relationships '@type': type: string description: When sub-classing, this defines the sub-class entity name.